Among these newer technologies are virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) systems. You may have heard of or already be familiar with these - a lot of big companies like Amazon, Meta, and Apple use them in their products for a variety of purposes. In the case of AR, the device you’re using (your phone, for example) takes the space around you and converts it into a series of planes and edges. Then, using a 3D model of some kind, it’s able to overlay said model into the environment, accurately depicting size, dimension, and location.

Ummm…what did I just say? 🤓 Here’s what that boils down to:
Essentially, AR technology allows us to look at a real-world space (a room, a car, etc.) and drop an object into that space that isn’t really there.
What does all of this have to do with RVing and braking systems, you may ask? Great question!
One query we get a lot is “Will the RVibrake3 or the RVibrake Shadow fit in my vehicle?”. Using the power of AR technology, you don’t have to wonder any longer. From your smartphone, simply tap the “View in your space” button on any product page, and you’ll be able to see that device in your vehicle with all the dimensions accurately depicted. You can also use this to find a good spot for your hub, tablet, TBC+, or really any other RVi product!
And's reeeaaally fun!
We know that buying a braking system is a big purchase among many big purchases. We’re customers of products too, and we want to take as much of the guesswork out of the buying process as possible.
So grab your smartphone, go to your product of choice and have some fun seeing it in your environment: RVibrake3 portable braking system, RVibrake Shadow installed braking system, Tire Patrol tpms, Towed Battery Charger Plus, Breakaway Wireless Adapter for RVibrake3, Phantom Bracket for RVibrake3, Command Center.
You can watch a video demonstration below:
If you have questions on any of this - or any of our products - don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re available by phone, chat, or email.
Happy RVing!!!
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